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Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art

Miao Ying Studio

Digital PTSD parte II. L’arte e il suo impatto sul trauma digitale

Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea presents the second part of a program of talks, conversations and artworks entitled Digital PTSD. The Practice of Art and Its Impact on Digital Trauma developed in the framework of the exhibition Espressioni. The Proposition.

Digital PTSD. Part II is presented at Castello di Rivoli Theatre (free access with Museum ticket, booking is essential) and live streamed on both e-flux and Castello di Rivoli websites (please register here).

It is counterintuitive, but Digital PTSD presents through an online platform a critique of the potential misuse of technologies by proposing an interdisciplinary enquiry into the possibility that a trauma from hyper-digitization may be emerging, at both individual and collective level. In the context of society’s growing reliance on online technologies and Artificial Intelligence, Digital PTSD questions whether these tools may be sources of psychological distress, undermining physical and mental well-being as well as facilitating the affirmation of a technocracy which ultimately poses a threat to our health and social justice. What are the traumatic consequences of the sudden increase in virtual activities during a period when spaces of aggregation, such as museums, have been in extended lockdown? Digital PTSD invites to reflect on screen-based experience, the physical erosion of living matter, the transformation of life into big data and the new digital epistemic regime.

Participants in Part II include: Ed Atkins, artist; Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller, artists; Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, director of the museum; Devra Davis, epidemiologist, activist; Irene Dionisio, author, director, visual artist; Aikaterini Fotopoulou, psychodynamic neuroscientist; Vittorio Gallese, cognitive neuroscientist; Vincent Hendricks, philosopher, logician; Catherine Malabou, philosopher; Otobong Nkanga, artist; Tabita Rezaire, artist, devotee, yogi, doula, soon to be farmer; Legacy Russell, curator, writer; Miao Ying, artist.

The event runs from 15:00 to 22:00 CEST (Central European Standard Time). Further information and program here.

Digital PTSD – Part I took place on December 12, 2020, including: Tabita Rezaire, artist; Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, museum director, exhibition maker, writer; Beatriz Colomina & Mark Wigley, architectural historians, theorists, curators; Cécile B. Evans, artist; Matteo Pasquinelli, cognitive sciences, digital economy, machine intelligence theorist; Hito Steyerl, filmmaker, visual artist, writer, and innovator of the essay documentary; Grada Kilomba, artist and writer; Anne Imhof, artist musician; Bracha L. Ettinger, painter, theorist, psychoanalyst; Éric Sadin, writer and philosopher; Vittorio Gallese, cognitive neuroscientist; Ophelia Deroy, philosopher and cognitive neuroscientist; Griselda Pollock, feminist-postcolonial-queer-international art historian and cultural analyst; Agnieszka Kurant, artist; Cally Spooner, artist; Chus Martínez, curator and writer; Stuart Ringholt, artist; Marcos Lutyens, artist and hypnotistDocumentation of the full event can be watched here.

Digital PTSD. The Practice of Art and Its Impact on Digital Trauma is a research program initiated and curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev with Stella Bottai and Giulia Colletti.

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