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Tech Abstractionism
Digital Prints on Canvas
“Tech Abstractionism” is a series of “black minimalist style abstract digital paintings on canvas which was inspired by the screens of apple touch screen products such as iPod, iPad, iPhone, etc. and the way that they were presented in advertisement, complete with prefect reflections, and lens flares. Each painting is exactly 10 times bigger than the original products, therefore, they keep the same aspect ratio as the originals.
“泰克抽象主义“是一组以黑色为基调的极简主义风格的“抽象画”。实际为数码输出的高清印刷,原型为苹果移动产品自发布以来的所有屏幕(如ipod, ipad, iphone等在广告中展示的数字样机的黑屏形式),每副作品的尺寸为该产品的屏幕尺寸等比例放大后的10倍,所有的作品放在一起的时候的比例和原有的苹果产品一致。

Installation view at KW Institute, Berlin, 2016

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